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Mineral Specimens

Heritage 1971: Fine Mineral Specimens

If you're a collector searching for mineral specimens, Heritage 1971 is a trustworthy mineral specimen sourcing service with over 49 years of experience with Chinese rocks and minerals. We provide fine mineral specimens at an affordable price. These natural pieces of art draw mineral lovers worldwide.

Some of our mineral specimens include the Cat's Eye Malachite crystals. These mineral specimens are a deep green color in the center. The crystals outlining the outer parts are a brighter shade of green, giving it the appearance of a cat's eyes. We also have a unique white hexagonal columnar Calcite with black scalenohedron color zoning from Fujian, China. This two-generation growth Calcite displays the inner black scalenohedron that formed first and the white hexagonal Calcite covering the black crystal. Calcite displays an intense pinkish-orange fluorescence color under ultraviolet light.

You'll find even more mineral specimens when you look through our site at Heritage 1971, from a Sakura Agate Crystal Wand to Azurite with Chrysocolla from Liufengshan Mine, Fluorite with Rainbow Iridescence from Chashan Mine, China, and many more. Our fine mineral specimens line is impressive, with a museum quality large specimen Dogtooth Calcite from the world-renowned Fengjiashan Mine (Daye Copper Mine). And other fine mineral specimens, such as an Amethyst specimen with perfect terminations and vivid royal purple color from the Catalán Grande Quarry in Uruguay.

We offer a tradition of excellence and a firm commitment to providing fine mineral specimens at affordable prices. Whether you're browsing mineral specimens or you're a serious collector of fine mineral specimens, you'll love browsing the gorgeous minerals we offer at Heritage 1971. You can shop online. If you have any questions, please get in touch.

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